Substitution of Single word –(এক কথায় প্রকাশ)- 01
1. One who mends (মেরামত করা) shoes—- Cobbler (মুচি)2. One who makes furniture—- Carpenter (কাঠমিস্ত্রী)
3. One who draws maps—- Cartographer (যে মানচিত্র আকেঁ)
4. One who sets types in a printing press—- Compositor
5. One who sells sweets and pastries—- Confectioner
6. One who reads the palm (হাতের তালু)—Palmist(গণক)
7. One who collects postage stamps—- Philatelist (ষ্ট্যাম্প সংগ্রাহক)
8. One who carves(খোদাই করা) on stone—- Sculptor (ভাস্কর)
9. One who sells drugs—- Druggist
10. One who deals in(ব্যবসা করা) cattle—- Drover (গবাদিপশু ব্যবসায়ী)
Substitution of Single Words -(এক কথায় প্রকাশ)- 02
1. Without life—– inanimate (নিষ্প্রাণ)
2. Bad beyond correction or reform—–incorrigible (অশোধনীয়/অশোধ্য)
3. That which cannot be explained—- inexplicable (ব্যাখ্যার অতীত)
4. That which is placed at the beginning—- initial (প্রারম্ভিক)
5. That which cannot be satisfied—- insatiable (অতৃপ্ত)
6. That which cannot be conquered—– invincible (অজেয়)
7. Possessing unlimited powers—- omnipotent (সর্বশক্তিমান)
8. Having knowledge of all things—- omniscient (সর্বজ্ঞ)
9. A single medicine for all diseases—- panacea. (সর্বরোগের মহৌষধ)
10. That which lives on another—- parasite (পরজীবী)
Substitution of Single Word (এক কথায় প্রকাশ)- 03
1. An expression that admits of double meaning— ambiguous (দ্ব্যর্থক)2. Animals living in water— aquatic animal(জলজ প্রাণী)
3. One who breaks into a house to steal— burglar (সিঁধেল চোর)
4. A building erected to the memory of one who died in a foreign country— cenotaph (স্মৃতিস্তম্ভ)
5. Worthy of being believed— credible (বিশ্বাসযোগ্য)
6. One who is very difficult to please— fastidious (খুঁতখুঁতে)
7. Of the same kind— homogeneous (সমজাতীয়)
8. A post which is without any remuneration(পারিশ্রমিক)— honorary (অবৈতনিক)
9. The art of cutting trees and bushes into ornamental shapes— topiary (গাছপালা বা লতাগুল্ম ছাঁটাই)
10. Walking in sleep— somnambulism(নিদ্রিত অবস্থায় হাঁটা)
Substitution of Single Word (এক কথায় প্রকাশ)– 07
1. One who lives at the same time as a particular event or person- Contemporary (সমসাময়িক)
2. Written by hand – Manuscript (পান্ডুলিপি)
3. That which lives on another – Parasite (পরজীবী)
4. A speech or writing too full of words – Verbose (শব্দবহুল)
5. One who feeds on vegetables – Vegetarian (নিরামিষভোজী)
6. That can not be overcome -Impregnable (দুর্জয়)
7. Not possible to evade (কৌশলে এড়ানো)- Inevitable (অপরিহার্য)
8. Beyond the power of nature- Supernatural (অতিপ্রাকৃত)
9. One who speaks for others- Spokesman (মুখপাত্র)
10. Person traveling in a street -Pedestrian (পথচারী)
Substitution of Single Word(এক কথায় প্রকাশ)-05
1. One who spends lavishly- Extravagant(অপব্যয়ী)
2. One who breaks images, beliefs and customs- Iconoclast (প্রচলিত প্রথা বা বিশ্বাসকে যে আঘাত করে)
3. One who pretends to be what he is not- Impostor(ভন্ড)
4. One who is versed in many languages- Linguist (ভাষাবিদ)
5. One who dies for a noble cause- Martyr (শহীদ)
6. One who looks at the bright side of things- Optimist (আশাবাদী)
7. One who looks at the dark side of things- Pessimist (হতাশাপ্রবণ ব্যক্তি)
8. Practice of having more than one spouse- Polygamy(বহুবিবাহ)
9. Practice of having only one spouse- Monogamy(একবিবাহ)
10. One who journeys to a holy place- Pilgrim (তীর্থযাত্রী)
1. One who deals in wine- Vintner(মদ্যব্যবসায়ী)
2. One who makes wheels for carriages and carts- Wheel-wright (যে গাড়ীর চাকা নির্মাণ ও মেরামত করে)
3. A person in charge of a museum- Curator (জাদুঘর-রক্ষক)
4. One who foretells events- Prophet(দৈবজ্ঞ)
5. One who shoots with bows and arrows- Archer (তীরন্দাজ)
6. One who is a diplomat of a Govt. in another country- Ambassador (রাষ্ট্রদূত)
7. An animal which eats only plants- Herbivorous (তৃণভোজী)
8. One who eats human flesh- Cannibal (নরখাদক)
9. One who eats flesh- Carnivorous (মাংসাশী)
10. One who eats everything- Omnivorous (সর্বভুক)
Substitution of Single Word (এক কথায় প্রকাশ)– 08
1. A place for production of bread- Bakery(রুটিঘর)2. The underground dwelling place of an animal- Burrow(গর্ত)
3. The house of a gypsy- Caravan(যাযাবরদের ঘর)
4. A place where soldiers are housed- Cantonment (সেনানিবাস)
5. The lying place of the wild beasts- Den (গুহা)
6. A place for production and treatment of milk- Dairy(দুগ্ধখামার)
7. A place for keeping motor cars- Garage (গাড়ীঘর)
8. The house of an Eskimo(এস্কিমো জাতি)- Igloo (এস্কিমোদের বরফের ঘর)
9. A place for keeping Aeroplanes- Hangar (বিমানছাউনি)
10. A place where treasures of art & curiosities are kept- Museum(জাদুঘর)
Substitution of Single Word (এক কথায় প্রকাশ)– 09
1. A place where money is coined(মুদ্রা তৈরি করা)-Mint(টাকশাল)
2. A house or shelter for a confined cow- Pen (খোয়াড়)
3. A shelter or shed for cows- Cow-shed (গোয়ালঘর)
4. A speech that is given first- Maiden speech (প্রথম বক্তৃতা)
5. A place where ships are loaded and unloaded-Quay(জেটি)
6. One who is banished from his own country- Exiled(নির্বাসিত)
7. A place where leather is tanned- Tannery (চামড়া পাকা করার কারখানা)
8. Not bearing the name of a writer-Anonymous (নামহীন)
9. One who loves his country- Patriot(দেশপ্রেমিক)
10. Contrary to law – Illegal (অবৈধ)
Age between thirteen and nineteen
উত্তরমুছুনএককথায় পকাশ গুলা আর ও ডিটেইলস, ইংরেজি এবং বাংলা অর্থ সাথে দিলে হয়ে
উত্তরমুছুনএকটা কথায় পকাশ গুলা ইংলিশ এবং বাংলা অর্থ সহ দিলে অনেক ভালো হয় ইনশাআল্লাহ খুশি হবো
উত্তরমুছুনইংলিশ টু বাংলা অর্থ সহ দিলে বেশি ভালো হবে
উত্তরমুছুনNo reflection from them